Exact Globe Tips

Brought to you by the Exademy: Exact’s Corporate Center of Learning

Globe Role Bar
Exact Globe is a complicated software package allowing companies to automate everything from purchasing, sales, manufacturing, accounting and all stops in between.  But chances are you are only interested in a certain segment.
In this quick demo, you'll learn how to use the Exact Globe Role Bar to create a personalized map for the functionality important to you which allows you to carry out your daily work efficiently.

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Customizable Terms
The menu paths and terms in Exact Globe are named in such a way to make them clear to the widest possible audience. Of course that doesn't necessarily mean it's the best name for you.
In this short movie you'll learn how you can customize terms and menu paths so it becomes more clear to you.


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Getting hot with HotKeys
Most navigation in Exact Globe is typically done with a mouse.  But if you are involved in keying in lots of data or if you are used to working with DOS programs using the mouse creates a break in your flow and slows you down.
In this short demo you will learn some of the most important keyboard shortcuts or 'hotkeys' which allow you to execute key functions without using your mouse.  This will get you buzzing along again in no time!

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Customizable Free Fields 
Although there are many fields in Exact Globe, it's always possible you are missing fields which would be useful for your situation. In Exact Globe you can define your own free fields according to your specific needs.
In this movie you will see how you can use the free fields in many different ways, to customize Exact Globe exactly to meet your needs.

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Mailing PDFs
We are living in a world where physical post is becoming less popular and undoubtedly email is the way to go when sending out information.  But some formats may look different depending on the mail client.
Within Exact Globe we've grown with this trend and offer the option to send pdfs via email rather than physical post.  Watch this video to find out how.

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Interactive Balance Sheet
Do you sometimes find you need more or different information than that provided in the Globe balance sheet? Do you find yourself navigating to each GL account to get the information you use?
The interactive balance sheet in Exact Globe allows you flexibility about how the information is presented and allows you to retrieve information about GL accounts without having to navigate away?

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Financial Pivot Reports 
Winston Churchill once said 'However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results'.  And this is never more true than when running a business.
In this movie you will see how you can use the Financial Pivot Report in Exact Globe exactly to create complex financial reports showing you up to the minute results and even consolidating information between more than one administration for greater insights.


MRP Templates
Do you use MRP in Exact Globe?  Do you sometimes have to make notes and refer to them in order to produce the different MRP reports you need?  Sometimes do you have trouble reading your own handwriting?
if you answered yes to any of these questions than this tip video is for you!  Throw away your notes!  We're here to show you a better way: MRP Templates.  Dive on in; we think you're going to love it.


Sales Order: Item availability
When entering a sales order do you sometimes have to open another screen to view more details about the items that you are selling?  Do you wish that the information related to stock, vendor, etc were available from within the order?
Well wish no more, my friends, the information you need is available by clicking the 'advanced' button when doing an item search.  Want to see it?  This video will show you how.



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Exact Extender 
Would you like to add more information to your Globe database then your current fields allow you to?  For example do you need more descriptive fields for the items you stock?
With the Exact Extender you can extend your database fields and add more fields wherever you need them.  In this quick tip video we'll show you how.